Cooperation agreements have been defined in the Vienna Agreement between CEN and ISO.

These agreements provide for:
• An exchange of technical information between CEN and ISO
• Rules defining technical cooperation between CEN and ISO

International standard (ISO) - ISO

The different stages of an international standard

The development of an international standard consists of 9 steps

10 - New Work Item Proposal (NWIP) stage

New Work Item Proposal : proposal for a new project (consultation period: 2 months)

Advance ballot for an agreement before starting a new job or a revision.

Requirements: participation of 5 countries at least that have approved the NWIP and 5 experts nominated.

If the agreement is obtained then registration of the NWI to the ISO/TC program (assignment* of ISO number)

At French level, the BN Petroleum consults the mirror committee(s) concerned.

* within the framework of the Vienna Agreement, the TC / CEN decides within two months to confim the project


20 - Preparatory stage (WD = working draft)

Preparatory stage : drafting of the project document (8 months)

In a existing working group or upon creation of an ad hoc group or by a project manager.

30 - Committee Draft (CD) stage

Committee Draft stage : ballot and finalization of the project document (12 (8 + 4) weeks)

A CIB (Committee Internal Ballot) to confirm WD and then to integrate the comments collected upon ballot.

At this level technical &/or editorial comments are accepted.

When the draft is satisfactory, project document is ready and becomes a DIS (Draft International Standard).

At the French level, BN Pétrole consults the mirror committee(s).

40 - Enquiry (DIS = Draft International Standard) stage

Enquiry stage : DIS is submitted to the enquiry of members (12 weeks)

Enquiry (Commiittee or Public) to agree with the DIS proposed and then to integrate the comments collected upon ballot.

At this stage technical &/or editorial comments are accepted.

At the French level, BN Pétrole conducts a Public Enquiry under the AFNOR umbrella.

50 - Review & integration of comments

Review of comments received during DIS ballot to amend the project

Integration of comments, collected during DIS ballot, is conducted by a team led by a Project Leader/Convenor: when achieved, finalized DIS is ready:

  • to proceed with FDIS stage if DIS ballot was positive, or
  • to launch a second enquiry with DIS amended.

60 - FDIS (Final Draft International Standard) approbation

FDIS is submitted to the approbation of members (8 weeks)

Ballot to agree with the FDIS proposed.

At this stage only editorial comments are accepted.

At French level, BN Pétrole consults the mirror committee(s) concerned.

70 - Publication

Publication stage : upon approbation of members FDIS is published

Following FDIS ballot and depending on the result:

  • if FDIS ballot is positive, editorial comments (if any) are managed and then document is published, or
  • if FDIS ballot is negative, a second FDIS ballot can be proposed or a new CD process has to be engaged.

French standard (NF) - AFNOR

The different stages of a French standard

French standards (NF) have a national, an European or an international source

Their development may take from 12 up to 36 months, depending on whether it is:

  • The creation of a new standard,
  • A study  from a recognized document,
  • The revision of an existing standard,
  • The resumption of an international standard.

10 - Introduction

Registration in the program of the French standards

20 - Registration in the program

Project development by a working group (Experts) &/or a Project Manager

30 - Project development

Submission of the project to the Standards Commission (CN) for consensus,

Definition of the status as:
  • Approved Standard (NF), or
  • Experimental Standard (XP) status, or
  • Documentation Leaflet (FD) ...

40 - Project submission

Public Enquiry (PE) - 1.5 month

The recipients of the PE are, in addition to the members of the CN, organizations representing the interests at stake not included among the members of the CN, the administrations or public services concerned and the interested parties identified.
Recipients other than CN members are designated by AFNOR. The PE is announced in the Official Journal.
Note: for projects intended to have an experimental standard status (XP) or leaflet documentation (FD), a Commission Survey is sufficient.
The recipients are then only members of the CN and no publication is made in the OJ.


50 - Public Enquiry (PE)

Ballot result & resolution of comments received and accepted during the PE

60 - Ballot result & resolution of comments

Consultation of Agencies and Administrative Bodies concerned (including Squalpi, Departments, etc.) in the case of approved standards

70 - Delivery of the final version of project

The publication of European standards in the French collection is systematic whereas it is only optional for ISO standards.

80 - The publication of European standards in the French collection

The development of a French standard consists of 7 steps

European standard (EN) - CEN

The different stages of an European standard

The development of an European standard consists of 7 steps

10 - Preliminary Work Item (PWI)

Preliminary Work Item : preliminary works for a new normative project

Seting up or reactivate a working group (WG) in a CEN/TC

Collecting the proposals/contents for this new normative project.

Carrying out the studies necessary to the elaboration of this normative project.

This step (PWI) is optional and its duration is limited to 3 years.

20 - New Work Item (NWI)

New Work Item : registration and drafting of the project document (8 months)

Registration of the project in the work program of the CEN/TC concerned.

Drafting of the first version of the normative document (CD) by a designated WG.


30 - CEN Enquiry

CEN Enquiry : public enquiry throughout all EU Members (3 months)

Formatting and attribution of a reference to the draft of the normative document (prEN XX)

Submission to enquiry at European level (the 34 Members of  CEN).

In France, the notified body (AFNOR) conducts a public inquiry accessible to everybody via the Norm'Info website.

40 - Resolution of comments (ROC)

Review and resolution of comments collected during CEN Inquiry (8 months)

Resolution of comments and drafting of the final version (FprEN XX) are managed by the WG.

When achieved and if a majority* of CEN Members agreed on the normative document, the latter proceeds to the next stage.

* 55% of members and 65% of members weighted by their population level

50 - Formal Vote (FV)

The finalized normative document is submitted to the final approbation of CEN Members (8 weeks)

Submission of the finalized normative document to the FV of CEN Members.

The project is adopted on a majority* principle similar the previous step.

This step may be optional if the normative document does not request technical changes upon submission to CEN Enquiry.

* 55% of members and 65% of members weighted by their population level

60 - Ratification

The finalized normative document approved by Members is ratified (validated) by CEN within one month

If according to the result of the FV the normative document is adopted by Members, it becomes an EN XX (CEN standard)

This stage leads to made available to CEN Members the standard in the 3 official languages (English/ French/ German) within another period of one month.

70 - National Publication

National publication (mandatory) of the standard within 6 months upon ratification

Removal of national standards in contradiction with the new standard made available.
The publication of European standards in the French collection is systematic provided that a French version (translation) is available.

Note: CEN does not publish (print) the European standards
