Seting up or reactivate a working group (WG) in a CEN/TC
Collecting the proposals/contents for this new normative project.
Carrying out the studies necessary to the elaboration of this normative project.
This step (PWI) is optional and its duration is limited to 3 years.
Registration of the project in the work program of the CEN/TC concerned.
Drafting of the first version of the normative document (CD) by a designated WG.
Formatting and attribution of a reference to the draft of the normative document (prEN XX)
Submission to enquiry at European level (the 34 Members of CEN).
In France, the notified body (AFNOR) conducts a public inquiry accessible to everybody via the Norm'Info website.
Resolution of comments and drafting of the final version (FprEN XX) are managed by the WG.
When achieved and if a majority* of CEN Members agreed on the normative document, the latter proceeds to the next stage.
* 55% of members and 65% of members weighted by their population level
Submission of the finalized normative document to the FV of CEN Members.
The project is adopted on a majority* principle similar the previous step.
This step may be optional if the normative document does not request technical changes upon submission to CEN Enquiry.
* 55% of members and 65% of members weighted by their population level
If according to the result of the FV the normative document is adopted by Members, it becomes an EN XX (CEN standard)
This stage leads to made available to CEN Members the standard in the 3 official languages (English/ French/ German) within another period of one month.
Removal of national standards in contradiction with the new standard made available.
The publication of European standards in the French collection is systematic provided that a French version (translation) is available.
Note: CEN does not publish (print) the European standards