The BN Pétrole’s mission encompasses the activities of the petroleum and natural gas industries from exploration/production:
- to the distribution of finished products, for oil and LPG (except propane gas - LPG distribution piping systems),),
- to the interface with terrestrial or liquefaction infrastructures for natural gas.
In this context, its mission is to:
- Identify the needs for standardization work;
- Organise the coverage of these needs by:
- Proposing a development programme;
- Setting up commissions and expert groups necessary for carrying out the approved programme;
- Preparing the French standpoint that shall be presented in the standardization meetings of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) on the one hand, and the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) on the other. This preparation includes:
- Appointing the French representation;
- Developing the arguments to be made;
- Facilitating these commissions to develop standards for the profession, in accordance with the programme;
- Organising votes or consultations to establish the national standpoint on French, European or international normative documents, according to applicable procedures.