Standards are a major challenge for companies.

They facilitate the free movement of their products on a market by encouraging the interoperability and comparability of products and services.

They thus contribute to the competitiveness of organisations and enable a certain rationalisation of production or the business.

Economic challenge

Standards provide a reference system for the objective evaluation of products or services.

They allow economies of scale yielded by mass production, or economies of scope related to a rationalisation of production, or economies of network resulting from an increased number of companies adopting a given technology.

In addition, the standard is a tool that fosters dialogue between manufacturers, their customers and other partners. It is then possible to jointly define a common vocabulary, dimensions, characteristics, test methods, technical rules or acceptance criteria, which facilitate exchanges, interchangeability of products, or their compatibility and a reduction in variety, thus generating economies of scale.

Societal challenge

The major social concerns such as consumer protection, accessibility to the elderly and those with disabilities, and safety are the challenges of Standardization.

Standards support the development and trade of products and services meeting these objectives.

The use of standards to support regulations contributes to improving the safety of products and services.


Environmental challenge

Environmental initiatives at the national level (EN), European (CEN), global (ISO) level are growing to provide goods and services that ensure the maximum number of people the highest level of material comfort, while preserving the planet’s limited resources and protecting the world’s natural environment.

Standards implement for their use clean processes and they develop innovative solutions for the entire industry, whether in terms of reducing water and energy consumption, reducing harmful emissions or developing renewable energy.

Standardization contributes to this development by providing texts on environmental management, energy management, energy audits, environmental labelling, energy efficiency and eco-design. It provides the tools to ensure that the environment is taken into account.
